Best weighing scales for weight loss

I think the most perfect illustration of a love-hate relationship is the one I have with my scale. I love it: It helps me track my progress when I'm trying to drop a few pounds or put on some muscle. I hate it: I don't always feel great about the number it displays.
Sometimes, the balance tips far enough to "hate" that I quit weighing myself altogether. While I've never thrown out my scale entirely, I have gone for months at a time without stepping on one, and I generally feel good about that decision. (After all, a scale isn't the only way to tell if you're losing weight.) But there's something to be said for more frequent weigh-ins, especially when you're looking to shed some pounds, science says. In a study presented at the Obesity Society's annual conference this year by researchers at Retrofit, people who stepped on a scale about four times a week tended to lose the most weight.
What's more, these days scales can tell you way more than your weight. The latest models of smart scales offer up info about your heart health, your body fat, even the weather outside in addition to your poundage. Check out some of the highest-tech options.
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